• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012


I write about lesbian ponies. Don't like it? Move along... Nuff said.

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This story is a sequel to Queen No More

Twilight Sparkle made the most foolish and selfless decision possible. She saved the life of Queen Chrysalis. The dynamics of Twilight's relationships begin to change as Chrysalis introduces the changeling hivemind to her pony caretaker. Chrysalis' only hope was to relieve her loneliness, but events begin to unfold that will change Equestria forever.

Nothing is stronger than the power of redemption...

1. This is the sequel to Queen No More but there is a time jump between its end and Hive Alive's beginning.
2. This is Alternate universe due to the fact that this story will run off of a disparate timeline. Events forward of season 2 may be similar OR significantly altered.
3. There is mention in Chapter 3 of an old changeling tale titled As a Star. A version of this has been written by Farseer.

NO MORE UPDATES: The story is complete. A sequel has been made: Queen of Equestria.


Updated outer cover, inner cover, and description!
2 new HD wallpapers!
Hive Alive 2013
Hive Alive 2014
New extras collection, Hive Alive Moments, including...
Too Hot
Perfect Marriage
The Hive Before Halloween
Take Two
Shy My Heart

Featured May 24th, 2014 and on every chapter release since then.

Art by BlackWater (that's me)

Chapters (50)

While working hard on a new festival idea from Celestia, Twilight gets a welcomed distraction from the tedious work she's been doing for days.

Chapters (1)

Celestia steals the moon and Luna is gonna look everywhere for it.

Put in multiple chapters because I can and its fun. Don't like it? Screw you.

Chapters (4)

Twilight's been crushing on Rainbow Dash for a long time - months even. When she finally decides it's time to come clean, she's more than ready to, but Rainbow may have other plans. The prismatic mare has a crush of her own, and she's come to Twilight for help.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle made it official; they got married. While on their Honeymoon, a tragic situation back home pushes a young filly to the edge. When they come back , they take it upon themselves to show Scootaloo the light at the end of the tunnel, whether she wants them to or not.

(Twidash with Scootadoption, if you like neither, you really shouldn't read this.)

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle knows Rainbow Dash; the pegasus is her wife, after all. But ever since Twilight crashed in the Everfree forest on her way to Zecora's hut, something has been wrong with Rainbow. The mare is off, in a way Twilight can't quite explain. She's off in such a way that Twilight knows it's not the real Rainbow Dash. It's an imposter.

All she has to do is prove it, and get her real wife back.

Chapters (3)

A series of random glimpses into the Xenophilia universe from a diverse collection of authors and Xenofans - some moved over from the Xenophilia forum, others brand new and fresh from the stables - all stored here for your enjoyment.

But is it canon? Fanon? Head-canon? Who knows? That's up to you to decide.

All ficlets used with the authors' kind permission.

Chapters (84)

Most ponies assume that something is wrong with Ditzy Do's eyes. Theories range from a head injury to a genetic disorder to muscle damage behind her eye. The crueler folk suggest she's just retarded. Nicer ponies say it's just a party trick she never got tired of.

They're all wrong. They're all very, very wrong.

I discovered the truth one day in conversation with her. One eye would always look at me, and the other would wander. At least, I thought it was wandering. So while we were talking, I followed it. Goddess in heaven I wish I had not. Never follow the other eye. Ever. Because Ditzy Do's eyes work fine.

She's just watching something. That... thing that's always in the corner of our eyes. And if she looks at you with both eyes?

Goddess save you.


Preread by BrastaAAura17, Chase Cosmicwing and dreamingnoctis. Cover art also by dreamingnoctis. Guy's a bro.

Chapters (13)

Several weeks into Twilight Sparkle’s training to be a princess, she still hasn’t found a captain for her royal guard. Frustrated with her lack of progress, she goes for a flight to clear her head. She’ll discover the solution to her problem is hidden behind the clouds of a carefree sky.

Cover image graciously provided by: lostzilla
Editing provided by: AnonymousEditor and Formerly Committed

Chapters (7)

A few month ago, Rainbow Dash found Twilight stargazing up on the balcony of Golden Oaks library. Ever since then she's come back, every night, and listened to Twilight's lectures on everything astronomy.

Twilight never found out why Rainbow came to the library that first night, but when she makes an unusual request one night, she discovers more than she thought she would about her pegasus friend.

New cover art generously provided by Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her stuff out.

Chapters (1)